Mixed Roles of Analysts: Announcement Return Reversal and Information Asymmetry


主题Mixed Roles of Analysts: Announcement Return Reversal and Information Asymmetry

主讲人华盛顿州立大学金融与管理科学系 George Jiang教授

主持人西南财经大学中国金融研究院 刘俊教授

时间8月25日 10:00-11:30


主办单位:中国金融研究院 科研处


George Jiang博士是美国华盛顿州立大学金融和管理科学系教授,并于2012年8月被任命为Gary P. Brinson投资管理系主任。George Jiang的研究和专长涵盖资本市场效率、实证资产定价、利率建模、风险衡量和管理、波动性预测、期权定价和共同基金业绩评估等领域。他的学术论文曾多次发表在Journal of Financial Economics、Review of Financial Studies、Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis、Journal of Econometrics、Journal of Business and Economic Statistics、Journal of Banking and Finance、Journal of Financial Econometrics等顶尖外文期刊。George Jiang教授还同时担任经济动态与控制杂志的副主编。George Jiang教授于1996年在西安大略大学获得经济学博士学位。George Jiang博士在加入华盛顿州立大学之前是亚利桑那大学埃勒管理学院的助理教授。



We argue that financial analysts serve mixed roles in the financial market. On the one hand, analysts help attenuate information asymmetry between firm insiders and investors. On the other hand, the information possessed by analysts is by nature private and creates another layer of information asymmetry for uninformed investors. We further hypothesize that the former effect takes place during normal market conditions, whereas the latter emerges during periods with rich private information. Using short-term stock return reversal as a proxy for costs of liquidity provision, we confirm our predictions on the roles of analysts. Specifically, while analyst activities attenuate return reversal during normal market conditions, they exacerbate return reversal around earnings announcements. In addition, we find that private market reactions to analyst revisions are stronger prior to earnings announcements than during normal market conditions, whereas public market reactions to analyst revisions are weaker prior to earnings announcements than during normal market conditions. This suggests that as some investors trade on private information produced by analysts prior to earnings announcements, uninformed investors or market makers are reluctant to trade against informed investors. Further decomposing the components of the bid-ask spread, we show direct evidence that for stocks with analyst revisions, there is a significantly higher adverse selection component during the pre-earnings announcement window.

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